Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Getting to Know Your School

So many things have changed trying to get kids adjusted to going to school. I think when I was going to grade school, Mom just loaded us in the car the first day of school and we were on our own.
Violet is going to middle school this year. There's a few more kids in her class from other grade schools merging to middle school but to me it's the same friends going into a different building. I can understand having a "dry run" so she can find her locker and classrooms on the first day of school.
Hazel is starting kindergarten. Hazel may seem shy and unsure but she can handle anything (except taking pics). Her introduction to kindergarten included popsicles on the playground.
Goldie filled in taking a picture in front of Hazel's locker.
And Lincoln....well he could care less about going to school. But another school year starts soon.

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