Wednesday, August 21, 2024

First Day of School

Well the new school year has started and mothers across the country are tying to get that first day of school pic. I've even seen commercials where companies are using this first day of school pic movement in their ads. It's hilarious. It takes about 25 shots in order to get that one almost perfect shot.

Hazel starts kindergarten. Lincoln is going into the 3rd grade. And Violet is going to middle school starting 6th grade.

It's a good thing Hazel was able to bring all her school supplies to school yesterday or this backpack might have tipped her over.

While Lincoln wasn't that excited about going back to school, he sure was happy with his new classroom, teacher and desk. Let's hope the school year goes smoothly. Meanwhile, Melissa will be at home with Goldie. That's a class in itself! 

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