Tuesday, November 20, 2018

VIP Day at School

Today was VIP day at Violet's school - the politically correct way to say Grandparent's Day.
I didn't realize how spoiled I've been since retiring, not having to get up early and out the door by a certain time. I picked Violet up for school and we headed to Mason Elementary School.
Violet's an old pro at maneuvering the hallways of the school shouting out hellos to so many kids. We started out having a donut in the cafeteria with Violet's classmate Gigi.
Then headed down more hallways to her classroom where she showed me her Fall artwork proudly displayed outside the classroom door. Her classroom wasn't open yet so we made another trek down the endless hallways to the book fair.
We stopped and had our picture taken for our memory frame hurriedly made in the library before heading back to her classroom so she could show me her desk, chair and cubby. Violet has a routine when she enters the classroom. She takes her Chrome book out of her enormous backpack and sets it on the bottom shelf of her cubby. Then takes her folder out of her backpack and places it in the teacher's basket. Instead of desks, there are 4 children to a table and each child must take his/her chair off the stack and bring it to the table. Then they take out the "Morning Worksheets" and begin their studies. Whew! Such a lot for a kindergarten student.
Recently Violet's been talking about a boy in school named Benton who she likes. Was I surprised when we ran into Benton at VIP day and his grandmother was a girl I went to high school with. Small world!

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