Wednesday, May 22, 2024

End of School Activities Means Another Day with Ma

While Violet and Lincoln were completing their end of school activities with end of school field trips, Hazel and Goldie were stuck with another day with me.

Instead of trying to entertain them with another day at home, we decided to go to the open gym. Hazel and Goldie are very familiar with this gym and immediately went on their merry ways. I was frantic trying to keep an eye on both girls while Goldie was jumping in the foam pit and Hazel was swinging from a disc hanging from a rope.

At one point I thought I'd lost Goldie but she was hiding in a giant tire. Needless to say I got just as much activity as the girls. The best part about the day was instead of going to Chick-Fil-A, we went to McDonald's. That's almost as stressful as the open gym with me trying to figure out what Hazel and Goldie were wanting to order.

In the meantime, Violet had her formal graduation from elementary school. She's now on her way to middle school. She's a little anxious but she'll be going with her friends.

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