Friday, May 17, 2024

All Day Long

Some people say the Summer solstice is the longest day of the year. Those people have never had the pleasure of watching Hazel and Goldie all day long.

After walking around WalMart for an hour, we stopped at Chick-Fil-A (of course) for lunch and went back to my house.

I tried everything to keep those girls entertained. Puzzles and games - about 15 minutes.

Painting - another 15 minutes. We even went outside to kick the ball around and that lasted about 5 minutes. The only thing they really wanted to do was watch my digital photo frame and guess who would be in the next picture. Goldie must have said "Who's next" about 100 times.

They are fun to watch but 6+ hours is a long time for this old Ma. Even Hazel was feeling the time. She said "I love spending time with you but this is too long"! But who can turn down watching these 2 little cuties. Just think. I get to do it all over again next Wednesday!

Meanwhile, Violet and Lincoln were having the end of the school year field trip at the school.
Both did well in this competition with Lincoln making it to the next to the last hoop before getting knocked out and Violet finished with the win. An exhausting day for all.

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