Saturday, March 2, 2019

Violet's Pre-Birthday Party

With Melissa's due date close to Violet's birthday, she wanted to make sure Violet had a birthday party with her classmates that didn't interfere with the birth of the baby.
The theme - well rainbows and unicorns of course.
The invitations were absolutely adorable.
Violet is becoming very picky about the clothes she wears. Sounds like someone else we know (Melissa). Notice this shirt doesn't have a number 6 on it. Don't worry. I went out and got her one she'll wear on her actual birthday.
The party was held at Xtreme Gymnastics. Besides Violet's birthday party, they were also holding open gym so you can imagine the noise level. There were so many activities for the kids to do that I never once heard any child mention they were board. I even tried a few of the things myself causing quite a spectacle as I fell. While I know exactly how old I am, my mind continues to tell me I'm still the spry cheerleader I once was.
After an hour of running around, it was time for pizza and cake. Imagine 15 little kids screaming the Happy Birthday song. Violet didn't seem to mind.
Then it was time to open presents. Jamie commented he was going to have to build another house just to accommodate all the toys.
The party was a success and Violet was so happy to have another day to celebrate one of the best days of the year - her birthday. And she gets to celebrate again on her actual birthday. I told her I'd take her shopping and she could spend $100. She keeps asking me to give her $100. I told her she could go anyplace she wanted to spend the $100. Her first choice - Target! Again, remember who her mother is. Maybe I can think of something better than Target.
I did give Violet her shirt I bought her in Aruba. It wasn't a unicorn but a pretty fancy dolphin. She said she loved it.

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