Saturday, September 29, 2018

45 Year Class Reunion

As you get older there are certain things you hate to say out loud. One being your age and another the year of your class reunion.
My Osage Beach outlet mall shopping provided my outfit for the evening. I need a few tips on how to take a mirror selfie.
As I headed to the reunion, I panicked. Would I remember anyone? Would anyone remember me? All the fears went rushing out the door as I talked with people I hadn't seen for many, many years. We may have aged a bit but fun times we had a teenagers were remembered fondly.
One guy pointed out a mention in our Senior Histories of a "Tornado Squad". I vaguely remember adding this fictitious group to my history but for the life of me can't remember why we did it or what it actually meant. One guy said he could tell us but he was waiting for his Supreme Court nomination to be finalized first! He was always a cut up.
The photo booth was set up on a timer, taking a series of 4 photos every 5 seconds. For some reason I couldn't quite focus on the timer and the pose at the same time. By the way, I do know by sight two of these women. I needed to read name tags for the other three and still don't remember two of them. Maybe we should have reunions every year instead of every 5 years!

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