Saturday, November 11, 2017

Build A Bear Birthday Party

In the quest to find the perfect birthday party for a 2 year old, Melissa chose inviting a few of Lincoln's friends to Build A Bear.
The first step is choosing your new friend. Build A Bear has a wide selection of not only bears, but all sorts of creatures. Lincoln chose a dog.
Violet chose a kitty cat.
Hailey chose a troll doll which was one of my favorites.
And Liam chose a dinosaur. His helmet made me think of Hannibal Lecter from Silence of the Lambs.
Then it's on to the stuffing station. The process is very interactive with the kids being able to push the pedal to control the amount of stuffing.
Next there's the heart ceremony. Each Build A Bear has a small heart inserted inside before the final stitching. You shake the heart to get it beating, rub your back so your bear has your back, kiss the heart and make a wish.
On to the washing station, even though there's no water, before you dress your pet in a wide selection of clothes, shoes and accessories.
The last step is making a personalized birth certificate. Lincoln named his dog Goofy since that's his favorite Disney character and Violet named her kitty Meow. I couldn't help but buy additional accessories of a dog and cat bed and leashes. I'm the grandmother; what would you expect.
Build A Bear supplied back packs for each of the kids to carry their friend around.
In keeping with the theme of the party, Jamie and I wore our Goofy shirts.
Since Build A Bear is at the mall and doesn't have a party room, we headed downstairs to the food court for cookie cake.
This says it all. Happy (early) Birthday Lincoln!

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