Friday, October 18, 2013

My Florida Vacation Continues

In my desperate attempt to finish updating my blog yesterday I accidentally hit the wrong button and erased everything I entered for that post. I've learned the valuable lesson to save as I go along especially when the post is rather lengthy. So to continue...


I didn't have a lot of organized activities planned for this trip. Not doing anything and not expected to be somewhere was at the top of my list. Walking along the beach is one thing I do enjoy.
I keep seeing these birds on the beach called sandpipers. They are so fun to watch. The waves come in and they run away from the surf. As the water recedes they run out to suck the tiny insects off the sand. They eat most any type of invertebrate so I don't know what they'd do if something larger like a crab washed ashore - possibly drown since they're rather small birds. Although that's probably why you always see them in large groups- to help each other pull the captured prey to shore.

Tuesday evening I went to the movies and saw "Gravity". Makes me think twice about boarding that airplane on Saturday and I definitely won't ever be doing any space travel. 
Now for the exciting happenings at home. Monday night Lola decided to take on a skunk. Of course the skunk won but Lola gave it her best effort.
She's recuperating and recovering but Melissa says they have all the windows open and all the fans blowing to try and air the house out before I get home.

Violet had her first swim lesson today.
All smiles before the lesson.
And even bigger smiles when it was over.


When Melissa found out about my Coach purchases she wanted to see a picture of my new billfold.

Of course she wanted one so I had to travel back to the outlet to pick one up for her. A little more shopping for me and then a quiet evening.


This is my 4th time coming to Vero Beach and eating at The Riverside is one place I always like to go. Last night everyone was standing out on the deck watching the sunset.

By the time I got outside the sun was almost completely set. The Riverside sits on the east side of the intercostal waterway facing the river. The ocean is about 5 blocks to the east. 

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