Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving in Chicago

I can't remember the last time someone cooked a Thanksgiving dinner for me. I've been threatening to go to Chicago for the past several years because Bruce and Courtney always cook Thanksgiving dinner for Michele.
So this was the year to go. I'm always nervous traveling when I have to try and navigate where I'm going without the convenience of a cab. But I boarded that plane in Kansas City, arrived in Chicago and found my way to the train to meet Michele in downtown Chicago.
After a brief stop at our hotel, we literally pushed our way through the streets of Chicago (the wind was so strong) to meet Courtney for lunch.
Then it was a long day shopping on Michigan Avenue. With my birthday only a week away, I was a little selfish and just bought things for myself.
Thanksgiving day we headed to Courtney's condo for a traditional turkey dinner. While Bruce was slaving away in the kitchen, Michele, Courtney and I played some game Michele brought. I don't know the name of it nor do I want to. I think Michele just brought it because she knew she could win.
The next day I found my way to the train station to come back home.
The trip was fast and fun but I have to admit I missed my family. Maybe all the chaos is worth it in the end and I have left over turkey and dressing!

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