Thursday, October 31, 2019

Snowy Halloween

Nothing like waking up to snow the end of October.
I don't know whether it's folklore, an old wives tale or the Farmer's Almanac, but I've heard that on the date of the first measurable snowfall of the year, in this case the 30th, that's the number of snowfalls you'll have for that winter. If that's the case, this winter isn't looking very good. Let's not even think about the number of times I'll have to shovel my driveway (the HOA only does it when it snows 3 inches or more) but think about the cold. I better leave town now.
The good part is I got to spend the afternoon with Lincoln and Hazel. Melissa went to Violet's school to help with her Halloween party and kids aren't allowed. Yes, believe it or not, Melissa left Hazel alone with me!
Earlier in the day, Melissa got a picture of Hazel dressed just as Violet dressed on her first Halloween. You can't expect a 7 month old to wear this costume all day long let alone go trick or treating.
After Melissa got home with Violet, we ran to Culver's for dinner before going to see Jamie at the fire station. As the temperatures were starting to drop again, I begged off and headed home before Melissa took the kids trick or treating at their old neighborhood. All in all, the day was good and bad. Let's keep our fingers crossed there isn't 30 snowfalls this year!!!!

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