Thursday, May 23, 2019

Spring Flowers

In between all the rain showers I was able to put out a few flowers.
I went with a yellow and red theme instead of my usual purple accents. I still stick with petunias, not only because they bloom all summer but they smell so good.
The rain has been a blessing with keeping everything watered. One of my favorites is these two metal chairs. I've thought of looking for a table to go between them but the wind would probably blow off any plant I put on it.
The hummingbirds are back and enjoying the sweet nectar from the feeder. There are two of them. I'm not sure if it's the same two hummingbirds from last year but they look the same to me. Hummingbirds are very territorial and it's fun to watch when both of them show up at the same time. They literally dive at each other to keep the other away from the feeder.
Since Violet's school days were extended until the end of May because of so many snow days, I opted for flowers instead of a waiting for her to put in a fairy garden. I was going to put a few of the fairy garden pieces in between the flowers but I miscounted and had way too many plants. Let's just hope the summer isn't scorching hot and everything dies!

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