Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Jamie's 5 Second of Fame

I received a text message from Jamie telling me he was going to be interviewed for Channel 9 news. I don't usually watch the news but every time during the day that the news was on, I was focused on watching for the interview. Not at noon, not at 4:00 but on the 5:00 news there was mention of interviewing a student for the water rescue program.
Jamie is learning to do swift water rescue. This is a part of technical rescue dealing in white water river conditions. Due to the added pressure of moving water, swift water rescue involves the use of specially trained personnel, ropes and mechanical advantage systems that are often much more robust than those used in standard rope rescue. The main goal is to use or deflect the water's power to assist in the rescue of people trying to overcome the power of the water. So far he's practiced in the Missouri river (at night) and World's of Fun. The interview was conducted at World's of Fun using their white water river attraction. His actual time on air was only 5 seconds but it's exciting to say that someone on TV is related to you. Way to go Jamie!

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