Thursday, September 25, 2014

Another Babysitting Gig

It doesn't happen very often but Jamie and Melissa found their schedules overlapping today and needed a babysitter. So who do they call? It always makes me a little nervous babysitting Violet because she's just not used to Melissa not being there. When I arrived Violet was still napping so Melissa could slip away without any drama. My heart skipped a beat 30 minutes later when Violet woke up crying for her Mom. I crept upstairs and the crying only got louder. But I was amazed that Violet calmed down pretty quickly.
I fed her the lunch Melissa had prepared and then it was playtime...and playtime...and more playtime. I was running out of ideas to keep Violet occupied. I even think at one point she was getting rather bored. And Khloe and Lola were no help at all. But Violet can keep herself entertained as long as you clap along every once in awhile. I enjoyed spending time with her.
And I couldn't go over empty handed. Poor Violet is growing so fast that she constantly needs clothes. So I got her some new pajamas with her favorite Minnie Mouse and one especially for Melissa and Jamie - "Up All Night". Let's hope the extra snacks I gave Violet doesn't keep her up all night.

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