Saturday, November 30, 2013


Last year, Melissa and I met Michele and Courtney in New York City for a weekend getaway and it was cold and rainy. This year I met Michele in Chicago to visit Courtney and it was cold and snowy.

After arriving in Chicago, Michele and I headed by way of the 'L' to meet Courtney for lunch in the heart of downtown Chicago. Now I'm more of a taxi girl but Michele is mass transit all the way. It's easier for me to watch the meter in a taxi cab and pay the driver than to try and navigate how to buy a ticket from a machine for the train. By the way I missed the sign that said "No Change Given" so it cost me $3.00 instead of the $2.25 regular fare. When we got off the train the snow was lightly falling. After lunch we proceeded down State Street to do a little holiday shopping for ourselves. State Street runs parallel to Michigan Avenue - better known as the "Miracle Mile." Michele's favorite mode of transportation next to mass transit is walking. Walking in 80 degree weather is okay. But walking in blowing snow with the blistery winds of Chicago is shear torture. Did I forget to mention that the lightly falling snow was now heavy snowflakes that were sticking to my eyelashes?
But I kept up with her and kept walking from store to store to store to store. Michele thought I was going into the dressing rooms to try on clothes. Little did she know I was taking short naps.

Around 3:00 p.m. we were tired of shopping so Michele suggested we walk to my hotel. I suggested a cab but Michele insisted it was a short walk. So we made our way over to Michigan Avenue. The first address I saw was 200 North Michigan Avenue. My hotel was at 800 SOUTH Michigan Avenue. By this time we were not only avoiding the heavy snow and blowing winds but trying to avoid slipping on the slick sidewalks. Once we got to the hotel it was time to turn around and go to Courtney's. Now Courtney lives about 6 miles north of downtown Chicago. The 'L' stop was only two blocks from the hotel - yeah! But Michele's train pass wouldn't work so back on the street we went. I actually thought she was going to make me walk all the way to Courtney's. But the next stop was only two blocks away. This one had an attendant who passed us through and we were safely on the 'L' headed to Courtney's.

On this train ride I was treated to a panhandler asking for dollars, quarters, nickels, dimes, anything he could get to buy a McDonald's cheeseburger. Besides thinking he was going to pull a gun at any moment and mug me, I was wondering how he got the $2.25 to ride the train. Why didn't he use that money to buy a cheeseburger? Only in Chicago. I did get to see Wrigley Field and several condos with bleachers on the roof to watch ballgames. We got off the train at Courtney's stop and walked another couple of blocks to Courtney's condo.

Michele was explaining to me how Courtney lived in what was once a "gangster" neighborhood - very old and interesting. If it wasn't so cold I would have enjoyed exploring that part of town. The best way I can describe Courtney's condo is IKEA heaven.
It reminds me of Sandra Bullock's condo in Two Week's Notice where Hugh Grant keeps remarking how amazing it is how few steps he can take to travel the entire length of the apartment. After dining on Chicago style pizza I was so relieved when Michele suggested Courtney take me back to my hotel - in her car I might add. This time I saw Lake Michigan, the Chicago River, the Sears Tower and the ferris wheel at the Navy Pier.

The next morning I headed the two blocks to the train station with Michele's instructions in my head to get off at the "Chicago" stop. But when I got to the platform both trains were there and I couldn't remember which one to board. So after they both left the station, I stopped a couple pushing a baby stroller and asked which train to take. I was hoping they didn't think I was some crazy lady looking for money for a McDonald's cheeseburger. But they were very helpful and another train arrived within five minutes. Michele and I planned to meet at the McDonald's (how ironic) at the "Chicago" stop. I was so glad to see the golden arches when I climbed the steps from the train. After a quick bite we once again proceeded down that glorious Miracle Mile. Besides shopping, our goal was to meet Courtney at the German Festival.
Christkindlmarket is Chicago's largest open-air Christmas festival full of unique shopping booths and German flavored food.
By this time Michele had nearly walked the soles off my new Skecher's GoWalks so I pleaded for her to lead me to the train station so I could go to the airport. As I passed through the 'L' gate Michele instructed me to stay on the train until I got to Midway Airport. In fact she told me they would make everyone get off the train at the airport. What she failed to tell me was to get on the "orange line" train. I distinctly remember Courtney saying she heard a train coming. So the train stopped, I got on, then heard Michele and the CTA attendant screaming for me to get off. I jumped off the train just as the door was closing. There was Michele on the platform telling me I got on the wrong train. I was on the "pink line" instead of the "orange." No telling where the pink line went. For all I know I could still be in Chicago riding that damn train waiting for the conductor to tell me to get off because we were at the airport. Michele was wondering how she was going to have to call Melissa and tell her she lost her mother.

Winter in New York and now Chicago. I'm a little hesitant to commit to meeting Michele next year. I'm afraid I may end up in Alaska...probably one of those Alaskan cruises - yikes!

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