Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Trip to Black Hawk

Teresa and I made the long trek across Kansas to visit Michele in Colorado on our way to Black Hawk.

It's completely true what they say about traveling across Kansas. There's ABSOLUTELY nothing to see. I drove part of the way then Teresa took over. At least when you're driving you have something to do. But when you're not, it's so BORING!

After visiting Michele and meeting Charlie, we traveled to Black Hawk Horseshoe Casino for a couple of nights. The drive up the mountain had me eating Xanax like Tic Tacs. The signs of "Falling Rock" with just a small net up the side of the mountain was no reassurance to me that we wouldn't be crushed. Michele came up the next day for breakfast. I really wanted to walk with her and explore a little of Black Hawk but the weather kept me inside. At least that eased my Summer boredom for awhile. 

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