Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Trip to Black Hawk

Teresa and I made the long trek across Kansas to visit Michele in Colorado on our way to Black Hawk.

It's completely true what they say about traveling across Kansas. There's ABSOLUTELY nothing to see. I drove part of the way then Teresa took over. At least when you're driving you have something to do. But when you're not, it's so BORING!

After visiting Michele and meeting Charlie, we traveled to Black Hawk Horseshoe Casino for a couple of nights. The drive up the mountain had me eating Xanax like Tic Tacs. The signs of "Falling Rock" with just a small net up the side of the mountain was no reassurance to me that we wouldn't be crushed. Michele came up the next day for breakfast. I really wanted to walk with her and explore a little of Black Hawk but the weather kept me inside. At least that eased my Summer boredom for awhile. 

Friday, July 19, 2024

Lunch with Friends

I hardly ever see my friends that I used to work with. It's usually someone's birthday before we force ourselves to get out of the house.

I've known Regina and Robin for over 25 years and we don't see each other very often. But when we do it's like we've never been apart. Just more to talk about besides work. 

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Violet Signs with the Mavs Volleyball Club

Violet has spent the past several weeks attending open gyms and private practices for 2 different volleyball clubs. She wasn't that happy with her team from last year - Invasion - and there's been a lot of interest in her from the Mavs organization.

We finally hit tryout day and she had several offers from different teams. She finally decided on the Mavs National team. The coach was talking about signing up for a National tournament in Chicago. My fingers are crossed that Chicago is the winning location. That way Michele and Courtney will be able to attend. Congratulations Violet on making this new decision.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Happy 4th of July - BOOM!

The 4th of July has never been a big holiday for me. Mostly because the fireworks don't start until after my bedtime.

But the kids love it. During the day they explode their own fireworks and at night they watch the neighbors show. One day they'll understand why Ma just wants to go to bed.

Monday, July 1, 2024

Melissa and Jamie Celebrate 18 Years of Marriage

Melissa and Jamie celebrated their 18th wedding anniversary with dinner at Cooper's Hawk.

I took Violet to her volleyball practice and Laura watched Lincoln, Hazel and Goldie. With all that free time, you'd think they would do something special. I do believe they did something they've never done by themselves....went to the car wash. These two sure are wild when they have a few hours without the kids. Happy Anniversary!