Saturday, March 30, 2024

Michele's Visit and Pre-Easter Prep

Michele made the long trek from Denver to Kansas City to catch up on birthdays and celebrate an early Easter.

I always try to fill up her days while she's here to make her trip special. Her first surprise was an early Easter gift. Dr Pepper is Michele's favorite drink and I just couldn't pass up these Peeps when I saw them in the store. They mostly tasted like marshmallows but the sugary coating might have had a bit of Dr Pepper flavoring.

Then it was off to visit Hazel for her birthday. Michele wrote a story about Ruby the dragon who saves Jellybean Junction from the googlins by launching marshmallows at them with a catapult. That was my favorite part, launching the marshmallows at each other until things started to get out of hand. There was also something about programming Ruby to do different things...go forward, spin around, etc. A lot of artificial intelligence stuff that I'm not that familiar with.

Teresa and I have spent most Fridays during Lent searching for the best fish and chips. With Friday being Good Friday, we wanted to take Michele to the best one we could find. Turns out none of the places we went were that great so we took her to Culver's. Not only was the fish and chips great tasting, we also had fried shrimp. Culver's was also passing out small samples of their frozen custard so that saved me a trip to Andy's for Michele's birthday treat.

At the Taylors, the kids were busy dying Easter eggs.

Each kid has their own version of the best way to dye eggs. I'm glad I didn't have that mess to clean up.

Saturday was the Easter parade in downtown Lee's Summit. Michele was wanting to head back to Colorado so we went to the parade just long enough to get a picture.

But the kids stayed, walked the parade and took a picture with the Easter bunny. Goldie wasn't too happy about that and Hazel sat as far away from the bunny as she possibly could. At least she's not hiding her head...she's getting better at taking pictures.

Meanwhile, Jamie and Lincoln were in St Louis at the motocross races.

Busy couple of days but well worth it. Happy Easter Michele!

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