Saturday, January 14, 2023

Fiesta Forty

Melissa and Jamie both turn 40 within a month of each other. You might have heard this story before but I really do think they were absolutely made for each other. I may have my quirks but when you take their birthday numbers and take out the back slashes you get 1261982 for Jamie and 1261983 for Melissa. (That's 12/6/1982 for Jamie and 1/26/1983 for Melissa.) Their numbers are consecutive. WEIRD!!!

Back to the party - their birthday request was a big birthday bash complete with catering, decorations and music.

Trish and I decided to throw the party but since it couldn't be a surprise party, we decided to keep the details a secret. The idea of throwing a party and getting all the decorations was rather simple. Actually putting it all together was brutal.

There was putting together the balloon arch for photos (a must request from Melissa). Thanks to  Stephanie, Trish and Stacie.

The cake and cake pops. I love the pinatas and sombreros cake pops mixed in with the fiesta balls.

The DJ courtesy of Stephanie and Trish.

And I couldn't have done all my part without the help of Teresa. This is one of the few times where both of us actually sat down. I worked so hard I logged 20,000 steps on my Apple Watch (get to stepping Michele).

Even the guests did a great job of keeping the details secret although some thought the whole thing was a surprise.

Let's don't forget the party favors. Not everyone got a shirt (OMG that would have been a nightmare in itself) but Melissa and Jamie did get a fun remembrance.

Having the party at the fireman's union hall was a blessing in itself. As the party was winding down every fireman in the place started putting up tables and chairs, sweeping and mopping the floor and generally cleaning up. It was a sight to see. Happy Birthday Melissa and Jamie. Next time we're renting a place that does ALL the work!

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