Saturday, April 1, 2017

Car Accident

You would think running a quick errand in my quiet neighborhood would be uneventful. I was stopped at a stop sign waiting to make a right turn. I saw a car coming driving in the middle of the road. So I waited for the driver to pass. I then noticed that the car was making a left turn. Have you ever been sitting at a stop sign when a semi-truck was making a left turn in front of you? I always think they're making the turn rather sharp and hope they won't hit my car.
That's the same feeling I had when I saw this car making a left turn in front of me. But in this case, she hit me. Not only did she scrape the front of my car, but then she put the car in reverse, backed up and made the dent even worse. Funny thing was, she lived right on that corner. She jumped out of her car and began explaining how she wasn't paying attention because she was looking at her garage door opener to open the garage door.
Luckily she had insurance and now my car is fixed and back on the road. But the inconvenience is infuriating. Plus the loaner car they gave me was a tuna can called a Ford Fiesta. I'll now think twice about running errands in my neighborhood after dark!

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