Saturday, May 9, 2015

Fitbit - Workweek Hustle

I got a Fitbit about 8 months ago. I finally started using it a back in January. Jenny, Melissa's friend, saw my Fitbit on my wrist at Violet's birthday party and asked if I wanted to be one of her Fitbit friends. I immediately said "No" thinking there was no way I could keep up with her. But I downloaded the app, accepted her friend request then added Michele, Bruce and Courtney. I've been holding my own but with these people you really have to work just to keep up.

This past week Jenny invited me to participate in a "Workweek Hustle" - who can get the most steps Monday through Friday. There was myself, Jenny and 8 of her friends. I have never walked so much in my life - except if you count that weekend I went to Chicago with Michele.
These girls were tough but I managed to beat them all! I found myself getting out of bed at 6:30 a.m. and walking for at least 15 minutes every hour - plus morning and evening walks around the neighborhood. I also earned 7 badges this week. Classics Badge - 25,000 steps in one day; London Underground Badge - a total of 250 miles walked since I started counting steps on my Fitbit; Trail Shoe Badge - 30,000 steps in one day; Sneakers Badge - 10,000 steps a day 26 times; Urban Boot - 15,000 steps a day 8 times; High Tops Badge - 20,000 steps a day 5 times; and Boat Shoe - 5,000 steps a day 46 times. I'm really too competitive for my own good. I did loose 3 pounds this week but now must wear orthopedic shoes. Today I'm struggling just to put one foot in front of the other. But I'm bound and determined to beat Bruce at least once - he always wins the weekly step count. Get moving Bruce, I'm right behind you!

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