Monday, October 31, 2022


Halloween is always an exciting holiday for Violet and Lincoln and now Hazel. 

Goldie still doesn't have a clue as to what's going on.

Pumpkin carving wasn't as elaborate as some in the past but still very creative.

Violet and Lincoln had parties at school so I stayed with Hazel and Goldie. This is the best costume I could come up with. I wasn't going trick or treating anyway.

This year the theme for costumes was football with Violet being the cheerleader (with an actual junior Chiefs cheerleader outfit). Lincoln was a football player and Goldie was his football. Jamie was the referee. Hazel was a princess but she beats to her own drum!

Melissa put a collage picture together of all three girls wearing the ladybug costume that Violet wore for her first Halloween. The weather was perfect for trick or treating. Living in a new neighborhood, I wasn't sure if I would have any little monsters knocking on my door. But there were about 20 who came by. While some people (Melissa and Trish) are getting ready to decorate for Christmas, I'm going to enjoy the Fall and Thanksgiving before trying to figure out which animals from my extensive menagerie of Christmas characters I'll put out!

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