Monday, April 30, 2018

April Birthday Celebration

With all the crazy weather we've been having, it was a little hard trying to get everyone together to celebrate April birthdays.
Michele came to town so we headed to one of my favorite places, Rio Grande, to celebrate Teresa and Michele's birthdays. Unfortunately Bruce, another April birthday, couldn't make this trip.
Before we met for dinner, Violet and Lincoln came over and Michele gave Violet new accessories for Mia, her American Girl doll, plus a bonus -  "Bob", an American Boy doll and new boyfriend for Mia.
It took Lincoln a little while to warm up to Michele. He wouldn't even let her ride in the car with us.
Jamie escaped the festivities having left the day before for his annual trip to Moab, Utah, to drive jeeps over huge rocks.
Even though it wasn't Violet's birthday, she still came away with the most gifts. Michele is obsessed with trying to recreate the expensive outfits and accessories for the American Girl doll. This isn't the tent Michele made (hers was much fancier and more replicant of the one sold in the American Girl doll store), but Violet wanted all the dolls to have a camp out in her bed. Melissa and Jamie are going to have to build on an additional room in their new house just for Mia, Bob, Baby Bella and all their stuff. Happy Birthday Bruce, Teresa and Michele!

Sunday, April 22, 2018

CJC Open House

It was family day yesterday at the CJC Open House. CJC is the fire station where Jamie works. They had multiple fire trucks and law enforcements vehicles on display.
Lincoln took advantage of the free hotdogs they had for lunch.
Inside the training center were displays with information on education programs offered. We were too busy picking up free tchotchkes and getting our picture taken with funny glasses and hats. I have on a troll headband just in case you can't tell.
Violet the unicorn was cheesing it up for our own personal photo booth.
The weather cooperated and we were able to go outside and sit in the grass to watch the fire fighters show us how they cut up a car around the victim instead of pulling the victim out of the car.
They use a lot of hydraulic equipment instead of just banging the heck out of a car. I asked Jamie if it was his job to put the cars back together for the next demonstration! Luckily, these cars were donations.
With the weather getting nicer, I'm hoping for more activities were we can all get together.

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Chairman's Superior Guest Service

It doesn't matter how old your child may be, you're still beaming with pride when they receive honors or accomplish a goal.
Michael was just named Caesars Chairman's 2018 winner for Superior Guest Service. He was nominated by 2 of his fellow co-workers and reviewed by the Chairman of the Board. With this honor he received several gifts (I can't remember them all).
Michael will be added to the small group of winners at other Caesar's locations across the United States for consideration at the end of the year for the most superior guest services host. What a great honor to have considering it came from his colleagues. Keep up the good work, Michael. Mommy is so proud of you!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Chix with Stix

I joined a group of women today who get together every Thursday and walk. They call themselves Chix with Stix. I have no idea where the name came from but it was nice to finally get out of the house. The weather still wasn't to my liking (around 40 degrees) but I layered my clothes and gritted my teeth.
We walked for a little over three miles around the Katy Trail. Each week they go to a different location to walk. I have to admit my feet hurt when we were finished but I'm piling up the steps to reach my 2,000,000 step goal for the year. Although at this very moment I'm ahead of Bruce, I'm sure as soon as I take a 10 minute break from walking, he'll cruise right past me. Bummer!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

New House for the Taylors

The weather has been good for construction (not so good for outside activities) so progress is being made on Jamie & Melissa's new home.
I haven't seen the house except for pictures but with a 5 car garage, the footprint makes the house look massive. There's a bedroom on the first floor which I keep teasing Melissa is mine. I'm afraid if I move in, they'll start calling me Hazel, the cook and maid!
It was just 4 short years ago when they built their other home. Violet sure has changed a lot. She's excited about her new bedroom and talks about how to decorate it. She has such an artistic mind, which I don't, so when I make suggestions, she just looks at me kind of funny. Ah, the mind of a budding 5 year old artist!

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Nature Art

I had babysitting duty today. Violet, Lincoln and I started out with bubbles and sidewalk chalk. You'd think after so many cold winter days, these kids would be ready for some outside activity. But all Violet could think of was art projects. So we walked around the yard and found leaves, sticks, buds and stems to create art work.
Violet could sit here for hours and create a beautiful piece of art. But Lincoln doesn't quite have the focus to sit that long. I can't even begin to count the number of activities Lincoln did while Violet sat quietly and worked on her project. They were only here for a little more than an hour but I need a nap.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Snow Days in April

Most people are tired of winter but not Violet and Lincoln.
They took advantage of the winter storm we had yesterday and spent the morning playing in the snow. It's now 3:00 in the afternoon and 40 degrees outside so the snow is gone. As far as I'm concerned, it can stay gone forever. It's April! Where's our nice Spring days?