Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving in Chicago

I can't remember the last time someone cooked a Thanksgiving dinner for me. I've been threatening to go to Chicago for the past several years because Bruce and Courtney always cook Thanksgiving dinner for Michele.
So this was the year to go. I'm always nervous traveling when I have to try and navigate where I'm going without the convenience of a cab. But I boarded that plane in Kansas City, arrived in Chicago and found my way to the train to meet Michele in downtown Chicago.
After a brief stop at our hotel, we literally pushed our way through the streets of Chicago (the wind was so strong) to meet Courtney for lunch.
Then it was a long day shopping on Michigan Avenue. With my birthday only a week away, I was a little selfish and just bought things for myself.
Thanksgiving day we headed to Courtney's condo for a traditional turkey dinner. While Bruce was slaving away in the kitchen, Michele, Courtney and I played some game Michele brought. I don't know the name of it nor do I want to. I think Michele just brought it because she knew she could win.
The next day I found my way to the train station to come back home.
The trip was fast and fun but I have to admit I missed my family. Maybe all the chaos is worth it in the end and I have left over turkey and dressing!

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Hazel - 8 Months Old

Another month has gone by and Hazel is another month older.
At 8 months she's pulling up, has 4 teeth and perfecting the art of crawling. I can't decide whether she'll walk soon or continue with a high speed crawl to keep up with Violet and Lincoln.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Christmas Decorations

I decided to cut down on the number of stuffed animals I put around my tree this Christmas.
It was hard to decide which ones to put out and which ones to keep in the bins. Each time I picked up one of my Christmas animals, I thought about having to put them away after Christmas.
I even minimized the number of outdoor decorations. The only problem was I bought new things. I couldn't resist this elf with a letter to Santa.
I must have stood in front of this train display for an hour debating whether or not I wanted to buy it. As you can see, I have no will power.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Grandparent's Day at Violet's School

Grandparent's Day (or VIP Day as the school calls it) is a very interesting morning for me. This is probably one of the only times where Violet doesn't seem that interested in having me around. She's so busy looking around for her friends and anxious to get school started.
We did start out with a cinnamon roll in the cafeteria then headed to the book fair.
As long as Violet and Benton go to the same school, I'll continue to get a picture with Violet, Benton, me and Benton's grandmother, Monica. Monica and I graduated high school together. It's funny how things keep you together even after 45 years.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Lincoln's Birthday Party Continues

When your dad's a fireman, where better to have for a birthday theme party than at the fire station.
About 12 of Lincoln's friends showed up at the Lone Jack Fire Station. The party started with a fireman's relay where the kids ran an obstacle course ending with suiting up for a fire.
Jamie then let the kids explore the ambulance and fire truck trying to explain details to these little kids. Surprisingly, they all loved it. At the end of Jamie's presentation, he asked if there were any questions. One little boy raised his hand and asked "when do we get cake?"!!! It was hilarious.
While I didn't participate in any of the preparation or party, I did enjoy watching all the kids.
Once again, Happy Birthday Lincoln. You're growing up way too fast.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

My 4 Year Old Lincoln

Nothing like spending the day with Lincoln as he celebrates his 4th birthday.
We started at Get Air Trampoline Park where Lincoln and Jamie bounced on trampolines, climbed swinging ladders, played dodge ball and generally had a good old 4 year old time while Hazel, Melissa and I watched. Then it was off to McDonald's before taking a little nap before meeting with the family for dinner.
Since Ted's Mexican Restaurant closed, we went to Rancho Grande for our Mexican dinner fix. Lincoln was so excited to get his cheeseburger cake (it was actually very tasty for a Target cake). Presents included remote control monster trucks (large and small), puzzles, legos, golf clubs and Melissa's favorite - a nerf ball gun and arcade (thanks Uncle Michael)!
I couldn't believe I needed to reserve a table for 10!!! Yikes, is my family actually getting that big! Happy Birthday Lincoln!