Friday, September 25, 2015


Yesterday I took Melissa and Violet shopping. With cooler weather upon us, Violet has absolutely nothing to wear. It's not like she can go to her closet and wear the same clothes she wore last year like we do. Kids grow and change so fast that you can't wear out the clothes before they need to be replaced with new.
But taking her shopping is fun for me. Kohl's is one of our favorite places to shop. They have such good sales. Violet is so familiar with Kohl's, she knows exactly where the toys are located. So we had to bribe her to see if a shirt would fit with the promise of going to the toys. Now I know she doesn't need any more toys, but what's a shopping trip with "Ma" without getting a new toy. After Kohl's we made a quick stop at Old Navy. We found a pair of Ugg look-a-likes but Melissa was unsure of the size. We convinced Violet to try on the boots but part way through she starting complaining and didn't want to try on the boots. We realized a little later that it was because the toe of the boot was stuffed with paper. It's no wonder Violet doesn't want to try on shoes or clothes.
Later Violet spent the afternoon and evening playing with her new paints and stickers. There were over 1,000 stickers in this package and Melissa was Violet's creative outlet. At least Violet didn't use Melissa to paint all over her.

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