Friday, October 4, 2024

Jefferson Starship & Marshall Tucker

Teresa and I went to see Jefferson Starship and The Marshall Tucker Band at the Folly Theater. A small venue but I like smaller venues.

My favorite was Jefferson Starship. They started with songs from the 70's when they were called Jefferson Airplane. I didn't recognize the songs. Then they started singing songs from the 80's. There were a few that I didn't realize were their songs like We Built This City on Rock and Roll. While only one person was from the original band, they were very good.

Then came The Marshall Tucker Band. The original guy and founder of the band, Doug Gray, was still with them. He's 76 years old. Thank goodness the other members of the band were good and could carry him. I thought it was funny that they only played for an hour but it was getting close to 10:00 pm and the crowd of 300+ was starting to thin. Bedtime for us oldies. All in all, a pretty good concert.

Monday, September 9, 2024

A Couple Hours with Goldie

While Melissa went to her doctor's appointment, Goldie came to stay with me.
We first had to go check out the path to the pond to see the goose poop. What is kid's fascination with poop???? The goose poop was all cleaned up and Goldie insisted I did it. At least we didn't have to step around it while slowing going down the hill to the pond.
Then we spent the rest of our time playing Play Doh. This is about the only thing that Goldie will spend more than 5 minutes playing. I'm going to have to buy some new Play Doh tools. The few that I have just aren't enough.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Grandparent's Day

We celebrated Grandparent's Day watching Lincoln play football.
Lincoln scored a touchdown and that was present enough for me. My shirt reflects Lincoln's football team, the Vikings. But I'm a Chiefs girl through and through!

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Monarch's Baseball Game

One of the few events I do with my retirement group is go to the Monarch's baseball game.

I try and recruit Teresa to go with me so I don't have to make that long drive to the stadium out by the Legends by myself. While it wasn't raining, the humidity was about to kill us. I got to see a few of my former KCP&L friends but next year I may consider passing on this event. Sweat and I don't seem to get along.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

First Day of School

Well the new school year has started and mothers across the country are tying to get that first day of school pic. I've even seen commercials where companies are using this first day of school pic movement in their ads. It's hilarious. It takes about 25 shots in order to get that one almost perfect shot.

Hazel starts kindergarten. Lincoln is going into the 3rd grade. And Violet is going to middle school starting 6th grade.

It's a good thing Hazel was able to bring all her school supplies to school yesterday or this backpack might have tipped her over.

While Lincoln wasn't that excited about going back to school, he sure was happy with his new classroom, teacher and desk. Let's hope the school year goes smoothly. Meanwhile, Melissa will be at home with Goldie. That's a class in itself! 

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Another Evening with the Kids While Violet Gets Contacts

I love watching the kids during lunch or dinner time. It makes the time go quicker!

Before going to dinner, we decided to spend a little time at the park.

The weather was amazing and very crowded.

Parents were probably taking advantage of one more day with the kids before school starts.

I had the kids because Violet was at the doctor practicing putting in her new contacts. I almost didn't recognize her when she got home. I can't believe she's growing up so fast.

Getting to Know Your School

So many things have changed trying to get kids adjusted to going to school. I think when I was going to grade school, Mom just loaded us in the car the first day of school and we were on our own.
Violet is going to middle school this year. There's a few more kids in her class from other grade schools merging to middle school but to me it's the same friends going into a different building. I can understand having a "dry run" so she can find her locker and classrooms on the first day of school.
Hazel is starting kindergarten. Hazel may seem shy and unsure but she can handle anything (except taking pics). Her introduction to kindergarten included popsicles on the playground.
Goldie filled in taking a picture in front of Hazel's locker.
And Lincoln....well he could care less about going to school. But another school year starts soon.